Am I overendeavouring too much.. ?
Today got up late after having a back pain. back pain was severe.. couldnot even move slept without completing my rounds..
After the blissful weekend when we went about doing three Vyuha programs.( a program where two to three bhakti vriksha programs get together).. All the programs were inspiring.. It was inspiring to see CAP stretching himself ,inspite of his bad schedule and health,to attend the programs and enthuse the crowd for reading BG.
We have introduced a new idea this time. Starting yesterday , we plan to do BG programs for the Gita month with everyday a chapter being read by a group of devotees in someones house. A new idea for the pleasure of SP and GM.
The response has been tremendous from wherever i have followed up. Sometimes by GM's mercy even a small idea works out..We just extended the idea of Damodar prgms to the BG week and it is doing wonders. More than 50 bgs sold within 2 days.. may not be great as per the other sankirtan distributors but then this is what we sold only thru contacts and without having to push.. Sankirtan mahayagna ki jai.. I have been trying to use my contacts whenever and wherever possible to get the books for the congregation at a cheaper rate so that for the pleasure of the devs we can sell more.
Coming back.. i tend to digress a lot..Was reading RNS views on overendavouring
"over endeavoring is when you take on so much service that you can not perform the basic instructions of chanting 16 rounds, sleeping well, attending Mangala Arati and hearing Srimad Bhagavatam" Its as if it was meant for me.All of them valid for me from the past five days..Have not shared with others.. Even find Vaishnava going thru it.. , called him and told him to rectify .. Hope he changes.. i should change myself too..
I think i should put myself a schedule only then it will help.Also need to speak to CAP on this.Param is off to Bharat Darshan soon..Helped him book his tickets.. Gaura and Adi on Tirupati trip. Sriranga on job search..
Also need to do some school search and soul searching :)
Yes forgot this blissful weekend was distracted by certain incidents.. Really troubled me hard till i thought "Enough is Enough"..Took up the mobile and called up CAP and got it clarified.. Can't imagine how much relieved i was after that..
lots to write.. but then i will end with the thought that when i come here tomorrow .. i will be better .. would have chanted off my rounds and would be able to write something good.. now its like " i keep thinking of rounds and at home keep thinking of office work..
"schedule seems to be the only solution "
I Can't Help Falling In Love With You
6 years ago